Can You Really Make A Living As An Ebook Writer?

If you're a regular reader of this blog, you probably know that I've self-published over 100 books. This is a wonderfully easy and useful eBook to create. But ebooks do more than let bloggers monetize their blogs quickly. However, most of your sales on the launch day will come from your email list, not from the people who heard about you five minutes ago. Jorden Roper , for example, made $5,000 in her fourth month of being a freelance writer and Jennifer Gregory pulls in about six figures a year from her freelance writing business.

The ecourse had roughly the same amount of words, took less time to write (because I mined my book for a lot of it) and because it sold for £250 it became an instant 4 figure income for me. I once wrote an ebook of comprehensive ways to save money in your everyday life, and I solicited suggestions from friends and family as to what to title my book.

If you already have an email list, you can consider sending emails with the eBook links. With Amazon, you don't get access to any buyer information, so you have to hope readers will notice a call-to-action for your newsletter inside your ebook and take the time to sign up for your list.

Release small previews, hype up the publication date, give background information, and so on. Once your ebook is published, don't drop the ball; encourage momentum to keep excitement high by focusing your blog posts on your ebook and on pertinent topics.

This is especially true if you'll be selling your ebook on Amazon (or other e-retail sites) where most potential readers won't have any prior knowledge of you. In order to boost sales and make money, you're going to need to do how to sell a ebook some marketing. They will quickly catch you if there is any plagiarized content in your eBook.

Given enough time and exposure, an excellent ebook (or series of books) can provide both revenue and a doorway to greater things. Whatever it is you're selling — a course, an event, an ebook, whatever. Ebook Bestseller Bootcamp is a robust course taking you from not sure what to write about” to publishing your own ebook in a few weeks with 25 step-by-step video instructions.

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